loneygirlchitown@yahoo.com is the chitownhunnie you are looking for?

These emails from loneygirlchitown@yahoo.com come in reply to a craigslist ad and have a link to view.girliepages.info.The emails are sent to see if you will take the bait and click on the link. They are just tricks and there is no woman there that wants to get laid. These emails are common on craigslist and Read More

Is cubsbabe or bearsgirl for real?

These emails are selling Stephanie Summers, www.xxxblackbook.com and www.ifriends.net to guys who are trying to get a date from craigslist. The emails pretend to be a real woman and are just a trick to get you to sign up to spammy websites. If you want to find someone to get laid with online then try Read More

Want a video date with nyc_hottie@email.com or Stephanie Summers?

Can you get nyc_hottie into bed after fucking her online at www.ifriends.net? If you follow the link from the email then you will wind up finding an landing page featuring STEPHANIE SUMMERS. The truth be told, Stephanie Summers, is a very popular name and we should make sure we are talking about the same one. Read More