Everyone wants to fuck Vanessa from www.date-vanessa.com.

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Vanessa from www.date-vanessa.com has been a very busy girl with her posts, all around the country, on craigslist casual encounters.If you have recieved emails, like the ones we show below, then you were led to believe that there is a prostitute that needs you to "verify" by registering on the date-vanessa site. If you go Read More

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What do jennypenny69xoxo@aol.com and www.discreethoneys.com have to do with each other you ask? Maybe you didn’t but the answer is still pretty important. The link in these trick emails is for safecasualencounters.net where you are supposed to “verifiy” or some sort of nonsense like that. The truth is that there is a form there to Read More

$25 for an half hour incall, LOL, maybe with a crack whore…

So you get a random message from a prostitute calling herself “Sarah On Fire” from letsmeetsarah@gmail.com and you are sort of wondering what in the world is up with this email you have received. If you’ve played around in the personals then you will have seen a few prostitutes there but none of them are Read More