Are you seeing pink stars after on craigslist?

This Carley,, is just like a really hard knock on the head and about as usefull as the bruise that results. Does that really mean much? not really, but if you can atleast figure out that these emails are just spam and a trick to try to get you to sign up to a fake site.

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subject: Re: on a quest to find mr. right now – w4m (Spring Street) 20yr

Hey babe cant chat on this email address i shouldnt have made it on this email addy..My ex has access to my email and sometimes he tries to be all creepy n shit and read my emails.. id like to keep this discreet..
Im going to delete the post im def interested in you though.. n would like to try and set something up.. the picture i attacthed is very recent like just taken; ) can you do me a huge favor?
Go to
Looking up my profile Cnpinkstarz and send me a mesg on there..
Anyways i have a few more pictures just mesg me on the site im on there now so we can chat there.

Ps.. dont email me back here ; ) use the page.. remember discreet ; )


Mee!!! 7-9-12.jpg

These emails are total junk and not real.Please do not click on links from spam emails. Most are some sort of trick. Try some legitimate adult dating casual sex sites instead.

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